The basic vestment is a black cassock with a sash (cincture), though it may be of another color. In some parishes no cassock is worn at all. Generally the verger wears a gown over the cassock (or street clothes) when performing a ceremonial function. One type of gown is sleeveless, resembling a bishop's chimere; the other type is cut more fully and resembles a master's academic gown. There are not any hard and fast rules about the shape and adornment of a verger's gown although many wear badges with the parish crest or the local chapter of the Guild.
The cassock and band cincture are available from Almy. The cassock comes in two different styles, Roman and Anglican (Episcopal) and are relative inexpensive. The chimere may be purchased from Whippell or from J&M Sewing. The Whipple garment is a beautiful wool fabric that seems to hold its shape and looks great all the time. J&M Sewing is reputable and provides quality products. The chimeres made in England are relatively expensive, costing several hundred dollars. As an alternative, Almy offers the Anthem which is lighter in weight and less costly.
Typically in smaller parishes many vergers invest in their own vestments. In larger parishes, the church supplies all vestments in order to maintain a uniform look among all vergers.
For parishes that wish to start a verger program and are not sure what type of vestments they would like use, it is recommended that the verger candidates attend a Diocese of Atlanta Vergers Chapter Summer and/or Winter Assembly Meeting. Dates and locations can be found on the home page of this web site. All verger attendees are requested to wear their vestments for the Holy Eucharist. Visitors will have an opportunity to see the wide assortment of vestments worn by the vergers in the Diocese of Atlanta.
Links to three major suppliers of verger vestments:
Chimere and Vestment Repair
An excellent option for repair for Vergers in the Diocese of Atlanta is to with Mr. Leavitt by sending detailed photos of what needs repairing. He can determine if the garment can indeed be repaired/restored.
Transfiguration Vestments
720 Greenwich Street 4S
New York, NY 10014
(917) 446-0006